Hey Neil Howe here, The Authority Architect and thank you for visiting my site. What I want to share with you today is the three little-known secrets about closing sales that will make you a closing machine. You’re going to discover how you can have prospects calling you with credit card in hand, ready to buy.
So as I said, my name is Neil. Howe, and I’m going to share with you how to position yourself uniquely to sell in three easy steps. In this short video, I’m going to share with you the three secrets for closing more sales, with less effort and for more profits.
This is going to be perfect for you. If you have ever thought, “If I could just have a constant stream of leads ready to buy my services without ever having to beg them to buy and compete with others, then my business would skyrocket”, and I’m sure that’s where many of you are or have been before. Just really getting those leads, calling you and saying, okay, I want to do business with you. I’m ready, sign me up. Here’s my credit card. That would be ideal, wouldn’t it?
But before I tell you those three secrets, I think it’s important that you know who I am and why you should listen to me.
So, I’m a media strategist. I’m a best selling author and like I said, known as The Authority Architect because I believe that authority is the foundation of everything that you do as a business and like a rising tide lifts all boats. The more authority you have, the more everything grows in your business. Everything else rises with that.
So Authority is the foundation and you build your business based upon that authority. And I’ve been serving business owners, professionals, coaches, consultants who are the educators and advocates for the success of their clients, and that is really important to me as you’ll find out in a minute and position yourself as that educator and advocate for the success of your clients.
Now I’ve dedicated my life to helping people build trust and positioning in their marketing so that they are the recognized authority in their niche. And what’s really important though is the results that I’ve helped my clients achieve.
So this is from Les Adkins, he is the founder and CEO of Orange SMS, and he says, “I highly recommend Neil and authority marketing for those individuals and entrepreneurs who have worked hard and created a solid business and they are ready for that next level. He was amazingly helpful to my business and my personal reputation.”
Now that’s where I see a lot of people that I deal with. They’ve worked really hard all their career, but they get to a stagnation point where they’re not really growing and other people are coming into the market and they’re taking off and they’re taking their custom and it really has to do with authority positioning more than anything else.
Now, here is June Cline, we love June. She was one of our first clients. She is a certified speaking professional. Keynote speaker. She said, “If you don’t know Neil Howe and his expertise at positioning your greatness, then you are losing value, time and ground of being known as the expert in your field. He brings you and your business to celebrity authority status.”
Obviously, once you have that celebrity authority status just in your niche, that’s all that’s important, people are going to view you as the person that they want to do business with. And that is the whole goal.
Here also is Denny Faircloth, he is the executive vice president of Invida financial network and he and his wife were working in the fair trade industry and he says, “Neil has helped us established credibility as an authority and leader in the fair trade fashion world and get an insane amount of exposure for the campaign. We leveraged that exposure and our newfound celebrity status to raise over $20,000 before we officially even launched our brand. And it would not have been possible without his help.”
I would love to be able to help you as well. And I’ll tell you how we can get started for free at the end of this video.
But first, let me help you immediately by telling you the three secrets.
Secret number 1, to help you close more deals is to capture your target market’s attention.
Now we are in the attention age. It is very hard to capture attention, so there are specific ways that we are able to do that and that is to use authority platforms and this is important because it positions you with authority, credibility, and trust. When you are seen on these authority platforms.
Now, right here, you probably see these images right away and people process images faster, like 500 times faster than they can even read. So you want to have these images, what I call trust triggers on your website, so right away, whether it’s a social media post and they’re scrolling or as soon as they visit your website or seeing these trust triggers and you know, part of my book, the trust factor which is unlocking the power of the subconscious mind, is 95 percent of the decisions that are made… they’re made by the subconscious mind and they’re made right away. And then you know, your rational brain kicks in after that, but people are making these subconscious decisions about you and your business right away and these trust triggers really help to promote you as the authority because you are seen on these channels.
Just like with an interview, an interview is a great way to position yourself as that authority and leader in your market, so you get this authority recognition by a being seen on all these different authority platforms and what we want to do is called pre-framing and we’re pre-framing people to have an opinion about us before they even call us on the phone or before they even deal with us. They are already establishing us as the authorities in our market.
So secret number 2, to help you close more deals, is to convince your prospects that you are the educator and the advocate for their success.
Now, notice I didn’t say convinced that you are the right person to buy from. That’s not what you’re trying to convince. You’re not just trying to convince them to buy from you. You’re convincing them that you are the educator and the advocate for their success. So you want to become known as an educator and advocate, and this is important because people need to feel that you have empathy for them, that you understand what their problems are and also that you have the authority and are able to solve some of those problems.
So here’s what you need to know about that. I’m sure many people know the person on the screen is Dave Ramsey. He really has positioned himself as that expert and authority in the market. He does share empathy with his clients and people that call in. He listens, he understands, he shares that he understands their problem, which is one of his main things.
And then through his teaching, he shares that he is able and capable of solving those problems. And then, of course, he brings these same people back on, maybe a year or two later or they call in and he celebrates with them because they’ve transformed their lives. They’ve gotten out of that debt and you know, you want to share these same three things that you understand the problem, which shows empathy, that you are capable of solving the problem, which is part of the teaching that you might be doing which shares your authority. And then, of course, you want to share results, which is social proof. And that’s what people are looking for when they’re looking to do business. Or they want to do business with somebody.
So, secret number 3 to help you close more deals is to close through indoctrination.
So what is indoctrination? You want to become the indoctrinator. Indoctrination is basically seeing you time and time again on all these different authority platforms. Seeing how you’ve helped people, seeing how you’ve solved problems. People want to know that you have had success, people that worked with you have had success. And by doing that and by sharing that, you are going to attract a lot more people to you. And this is important when you are top of mind as an authority, you become the only choice when prospects are ready to buy.
Now, here’s what you need to know about that. There’s only a small percentage of people who are ready to buy immediately. So if you’re cold calling or you know you’re sending out emails, cold emails, you know, there’s only a very small percentage of people that are actually ready to buy at that time that you’re calling them. But there’s a much larger percentage of people and you can see in this diagram, maybe that one person in red might be ready to buy now, but all these people behind, they’re interested in what you’ve got to say. They’re just not ready to pull the trigger, but they might be ready in 30, 60, 90 days. And when you switch your business to focus on them and to talk to them and share with them your empathy and your authority, that’s when your business really explodes.
So you’re continually closing through all that teaching and educating that you’re doing. You’re positioning yourself as that authority and you’re sharing your empathy. And when people are ready to buy, there’s no more convincing needed. They’ve heard what you have to offer and you just, you know, pick up the phone, you get their credit card and you close and you deliver the service…It’s that easy?
So now you know how to close more deals with less effort without cold calling or cold emailing or any hard closing skills. So let me tell you how I am going to be able to help you position yourself uniquely to sell as the authority so that you can close more sales with ease.
Now, choosing a media strategist is an important decision and if you’re looking to have somebody deal with you and the media, a personal branding or marketing agency, it really is an important decision and before you ever think about working with somebody like that, you should meet with them to make sure that they are right for you and they understand your problems and are capable of solving those problems. And that is exactly what I would like to do with you.
I’d love to meet with you and share with you my fast action plan that will position you as the authority immediately so that you can have the best material to help you close more deals with less effort and more profits. Now, I’ve been doing this for five years and I must admit, that I’ve gotten pretty good at positioning people in a unique way to sell.
And here is how it works.
So I’m going to offer you a free authority positioning consultation and we’ll get on the phone or skype or zoom or something for 30 minutes and we’ll have a look at your business. We’ll analyze your current position and what people see when they are looking for you to choose whether they want to do business with you or not. And then we’ll look at your goals and we’ll establish what your goals are and then we will detail or outline a step by step plan to help you reach those goals. And at the end of our initial planning session, you’re going to know precisely what you need to do to position yourself as the authority in your niche and close more deals for more money with less effort.
So book a consultation now.
You can go to NeilHowe.co, or you can click the “book a consultation” button that is on this website. Now, fortunately, we are very busy and so there are only a limited number of free consultations I can do. So, make sure that you book your Free Authority Positioning Consultation now and I look forward to seeing you on the call.
I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to this.
This is Neil Howe and have a great rest of your day.